Sunday, November 20, 2022

FREE Cross Stitch Pattern - Our Father and Stitch-along

I am so excited!!!

The Lord's Prayer Our Father free cross stitch pattern
Our Father cross stitch pattern by Ann Dreyer

Last December, I remember thinking "I want to stitch something holy." And I mentioned it on Instagram. I found a few patterns but not THE one. A few months later, my sweet friend and I were messaging back and forth about various patterns with scripture. She asked if I knew any with The Lord's Prayer. I didn't, but a quick search revealed several beautiful ones, but again, not THE one. 

By summer, I was imagining it and trying to sketch it out. I designed a font in Google Sheets. Lolol. After a rough draft on StitchFiddle, I finally purchased a cross stitch program and got the text finished. 

And then it sat for a month. 

I designed patterns for a dozen North American birds and a few flowers. And finally over the last few weeks it came together. (And those North American birds are on hold for my next design!) 

Sorry, I like stories and details. Anyhow, here it is! I'm so excited to share the pattern that I haven't even stitched it up yet!

* Text color will take at least 3 skeins of DMC 208. 
* The charts below have had corrections to the green birds (missing top crest stitch) and the colors of the outer borders of 1st and last line of text. Feel free to use whatever color goes well with your fabric/floss choices.  
*I apologize for any inconvenience!

Copyright applies to all of my patterns. Paper or digital charts cannot be reproduced, copied, or sold. Items made using my charts cannot be sold. Thank you for following international copyright law.  


  • Please use the hashtag #OurFatherSAL on Instagram so I can see your work!
  • I plan on starting the day after Thanksgiving, Friday the 25th, and hope to finish it by Christmas. (update: lololol it is June 19th and I'm still not finished.) I'd love for you to join me.
  • One condition though! This must be kept stress-free, fun, relaxing, and as a time to talk to our amazing Father with the words that Jesus so graciously gave us. Deal?
  • Pattern size and colors are on the last page of the pdf documents. And if you're an aida girl like me, this *should* finish to fit in an 11x14 frame. 
  • That reminds me... Like I said, I haven't stitched this and it is my first big pattern. I've quadruple checked it, but if you find a spelling mistake or chart error, please let me know so I can correct it. Thanks!
  • Message me on Instagram @AnnMakesThings if you are having trouble opening the charts. 
  • Please feel free to make this in your own colorway or as a 1 color sampler.
  • Also, the colors on the chart/screen are NOT quite accurate to the actual floss skein colors, but I based the design off of the true skein colors. Aren't they yummy??

Make sure if you are using 208 for the text that you get enough skeins from the same dye-lot. The one labeled "208." was slightly darker. I used about 2.5 skeins for mine.

If you can't get # 16, I think using 704 as the lighter green and maybe 702 as the darker would work.

If you stitch this and share on Instagram, please use #OurFatherSAL or tag me @annmakesthings so I can see it.

I'm believing that this will bring us ALL peace and comfort during the holy season.

(And psst... even though it's free, it is still copyrighted so don't steal it, ok?!)

:) Ann

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." - Luke 2:10-14 KJV